Don’t worry, Verify will document all the details when we conduct a field visit. Or you can also contact us on 03333 446 871 and will ensure that all details are passed back to our client for resolution.
If you have a dispute, please contact us, and tell us about your dispute. We are here to help and will, if needed, go back to our client, and ask for a response to your query. It is important you contact us, so we can help you and resolve this matter. Contact us on 03333 446 871.
For free debt advice or support please contact any of the below:
Alternatively, try Snoop: they offer a free mobile app designed to help you save money. Find out more about Snoop at:
We would encourage you to set up a payment plan. In our experience once customers have talked to us and we fully understand their circumstances, we can put in place an affordable and conveniently timed payment plan which provides many of our customers the peace of mind that their debt is being repaid gradually in an affordable and sustainable way.
Verify is not an enforcement agency. Verify are a field agency who undertake home and commercial visits on behalf of our clients. Verify conduct visits for varying reasons, but we do not conduct any enforcement activity.
We will not disclose anything regarding your relationship with our client or the content of the letter we leave. We understand the importance of confidentiality. We will explain we’re here to deliver an important letter to you and before doing so, we will validate that you live at the address. If we confirm you live at the address we will leave a letter for you in a sealed envelope, marked private and confidential.
If we have no contact at your home or with a neighbour and we are unable to validate you live at the address, we will still deliver a letter addressed to you, in a sealed envelope, marked private and confidential, because the client believes you live there from access to reliable data sources, such as credit reference agency information.
We may seek to validate that you live at the address by speaking to a neighbour. Again, this is carefully done as we understand the importance of confidentiality. We will not disclose anything about your relationship with the client or the content of the letter. We will simply ask if you live at the address. If asked why we want to know this, we will only say it’s because we’re trying to deliver an important letter to you.
We record the audio (sound) at each visit for monitoring and security purposes. Our field agents will explain this at the soonest appropriate point when speaking to someone on at your property. We do not record videography (camera footage).